

Playful Mathematical Inquiry in Primary Classrooms

How might Reggio-inspired practices and principles enhance the teaching and learning of mathematics?

In our opening session, three teachers from the Richmond School District in British Columbia will share how a teacher inquiry question about Reggio-inspired mathematics sparked a collaborative professional inquiry project in their district which then grew to become a multi-district project that has had had impacts across the province and country. We will share how this project has transformed our own practice and increased engagement, interest in mathematics and depth of understanding for our students. We will share the structures and processes we have enacted to grow this project in our district and beyond. Many stories from K-3 classrooms will be shared throughout the morning with examples of provocations and inquiry projects.  

For our breakout sessions, each of the teachers will share specific examples and answer questions about planning, teaching and assessing students' mathematical learning through inquiry-based approaches. There will be one session focused on Kindergarten and Grade One, a second session focused on Grades Two and Three and a third session for those that work with teachers - math coaches, administrators, university math educators, directors, etc. 


COST: $135.00 (plus 25.00 mandatory membership)

Students -$60.00 (plus $15.00 mandatory student membership for one school-year) 

$20 late fee for registrations after October 21st. 


Online Registration

